
Update: Residents Want Mobile Home Park Cleaned Up

UPDATE — The Fair Oaks mobile home park management sent this email to WCCB in response to our previous report:

“Hemos recibido su correo de voz anterior respecto de Fair Oaks. Desde la compra de la tierra 18 months ago, the owner has repaired approximately 8 campos sépticos y son diligentes en la respuesta a estas necesidades a medida que se hacen evidentes. En la actualidad no son conscientes de las reparaciones sépticas adicionales necesarios pero se hará cargo de ninguna de inmediato al enterarse de tal necesidad. El camino de ripio se reconstruyó el otoño pasado y mantenimiento adicional ha sido programada como consecuencia de las fuertes lluvias recientes. En cuanto a las zonas de pasto en terrenos baldíos, estos se siega regularmente.”


GASTONIA, NC — Residents in a Gastonia mobile home park say they’ve been living in horrible conditions.

Leaking septic tanks, dangerous roadways and overgrown grass were just some of the complaints when they reached out to WCCB.

Ruben Rodriguez says he’s spent years writing letters asking for the owner of Fair Oaks Mobile Home Park, LLC to clean up. “It’s real bad, real bad,” said Rodriguez. His neighbor, Celso Gonzales’ lot was flooded with sewage, he says, for two years. “The bigger problem was the smell of it,” dijo Gonzales. Él es uno de muchos que viven en el parque que no hablan Inglés. “Mostly worry about the little kids because there’s a three-year-old living with him. So he was mostly concerned about the the kids’ health,” said Edwardo, his translator. El departamento de salud dice WCCB que envió el dueño de Fair Oaks una citación en octubre. 14. Finally, Gonzales says the owner fixed it. Todavía, the road is washed out. The city of Gastonia says it does not own the road, but code enforcement sent owners of Fair Oaks a letter telling them they need to fix it. Se podría obstaculizar los vehículos de emergencia llegue a alguien en una situación de emergencia. Los inspectores dicen que van a comprobar de nuevo. También, inspectors issued the owners of the mobile home park four citations for tall grass creeping near trailers. That has since been mowed. Byron Martinez’ non-profit, Unidos We Stand, has been fighting for the residents, reaching out to the city. “I think they’ve been taking advantage,” said Martinez. “and I am going to put a stop to it.” Su próximo obstáculo es averiguar por qué Fair Oaks no entregará títulos a la 32 residents who own their trailers. He also wants to know why they raised rent without notice. Irse no es una opción para los residentes como Rodríguez. “Everybody not rich,” said Rodriguez. “I don’t have money for good place, but it’s okay living here, but under good condition.” WCCB llamó a la oficina de Fair Oaks en Charlotte. No one returned our messages. The residents are considering taking legal action. Le mantendremos informado.


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