Unidos We Stand NEWS FLASH

Unidos We Stand NEWS FLASH:

Today, we are proud to announce the reunion of the Gonzalez family. Our organization has been fighting on behalf of Fidelio to be released from an ICE Deportation Center in GA. It was a long battle. But its moments like these that remind us of our core belief systems that reestablish our humanity. When faced with insurmountable obstacles in life… We must never lose faith… We must reestablish hope… And we must believe in love. Please help us congratulate this family, who has fought so hard to stay together, by liking this post and sharing it. Help us promote our organizational motto of “Strength Through Unity” I would like to say thank you for everyone who helped us and kept this family in their prayers. Today was a great day for justice!!!!!!

Carlos Martinez's photo.
Carlos Martinez's photo.Carlos Martinez's photo.Carlos Martinez's photo.Carlos Martinez's photo.


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